亿恩小编接到卖家爆料,自己参加亚马逊促销活动,活动结束后下载订单仔细查看的时候发现:自己设置的折扣是10%,但3000+usd的FBA订单下载下来金额是0,还亏了AM FEE……
亿恩小编接到卖家爆料,自己参加亚马逊促销活动,活动结束后下载订单仔细查看的时候发现:自己设置的折扣是10%,但3000+usd的FBA订单下载下来金额是0,还亏了AM FEE……
这个卖家赶紧去后台查看订单,发现客人买了多少钱promotion就返点了多少,这个产品是有参加promotion活动的,满25usd 10%off。
唯独下面这张订单全返,而且很奇怪,其他订单只会出现一项promo rebates
唯独这张订单对应了两项promo rebates,两项相加刚好等于产品的金额。
卖家一般设置折扣的时候都会默认Exclusive, Preferential / Unrestricted / Exclusive三种折扣方式区别是什么?
小编登录亚马逊后台寻求帮助,在General Help栏有详细的描述:
Claim Codes and Combinability
Claim codes are keys that allow a discount to be applied to an order. The buyer must enter the code at checkout to benefit from the promotion.
You specify whether or not to require a claim code when you create your promotion. If you require that a buyer enters a claim code, you can limit the promotion to one redemption per buyer. You also can allow customers to enter multiple claim codes for increased savings.
As a general rule:
· If a promotion does not require a claim code, it will combine with all of your promotions that do not require claim codes.
· If your promotion does require a claim code, it will combine with all of your promotions that do not require claim codes and with some or all of your promotions that do require claim codes.
Combining Claim Codes
Depending on how you create your claim code rules, buyers can combine your available claim codes to receive higher discounts. When allowing multiple claim codes on the same items, be careful because unintended deductions can occur.
· Combines with all Unrestricted claim codes.
· Combines with all promotions without claim codes.
· If there are multiple Preferential claim codes, the most beneficial promotion is applied.
· Combines with all Unrestricted claim codes.
· Combines with one Preferential claim code.
· Combines with all promotions without claim codes.